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云南省·楚雄彝族自治州 中国彝乡 滇中翡翠 红火楚雄

2021-04-15 14:23 | 来源:中外法制网楚雄频道 |编辑:SJS| 点击量:

Hello everyone.
  I’m Chi Zhonghua, Governor of Chuxiong Yi Autonomous Prefecture, Yunnan Province.It gives me special pleasure to brief you on my home place.
  Chuxiong, hometown of the Yi people in China,is renowned as a jadeite in central Yunnan and a flourishing place.
  Chuxiong is also known as the city of the sun,as it is especially favored by the sun.
  Here lies the world’s only park of the ten-month solar calendar,where the shining wisdom beyond time and space is engraved. The land that is as red as the sun exudes warmth of life.
  Thanks to the sun,Chuxiong boasts time-honored history.Dinosaurs, once the overlord on earth,had roamed on this land for over 100 million years.Lufengpithecus that lived here 8 million years ago,Ramapithecines, 4
million years ago,and Homo erectus yuanmouensis, 1.7 million years ago,combine to tell the mysterious stories about the Oriental hominids. The world’s earliest bronze drum was unearthed here. We seem to hear the
beating of the millennium-old battle drums and see the fluttering banners.The epics of Chamu and Meige, two national intangible cultural heritages, are ancient songs still performed now.You may imaginehow vibrant the sunlit historic land of Chuxiong is.
  Thanks to the sun,Chuxiong enjoys sound ecosystem.Here stand three mountains and run two rivers.The altitudinal variation of over 3000 meters has contributed to its distinct diversity in ecological resources and
species.Here live more than 680 vertebrates and 72 wild animals under national priority conservation.Here grow 4500 seed plantsand 36 wild plants under national priority protection.Here also inhabit green peacocks listed
as extremely endangered by IUCN and China Biodiversity Red List.In the past, green peacocks co-existed with rhinoceros and gorillas here.But now those giants have gone away,leaving green peacocks lingering around
alone.You may feel how vigorous the ecosystem of the sunlit Chuxiong is.
  Thanks to the sun,Chuxiong is well-known for its wellness services.Annually, it basks in the sunshine for nearly 3000 hours,which warms the people both physically and mentally.The Yi Medicine, a national intangible
cultural heritage,has protected men and women here for generations.Chuxiong is blessed with a pleasant annual average temperature of 16.5℃.Its fresh air is rich in negative oxygen ions.You may enjoy this famous
summer resort in China all year round.Its delicacies are: matsutake of Nanhua, home to wild mushrooms,walnuts of Dayao, home to walnuts,balsamic vinegar of Lufeng, home to dinosaurs,
soy sauce of Shuangbai, home to
tiger culture of the Yi people,fermented bean curd of Mouding, home to left foot dance,squabs of Yao’an, home to Chinese lanterns,saba pigs of Chuxiong, home to bronze drums,fruits and vegetables of Yuanmou, home to
early-winter vegetables,truffles of Yongren, the county of sunshine,and strong chicken of Wuding, home to Luowu, an ancient Yi tribe.All the tasty foods are always ready to delight your palate.You may experience how
impressive the wellness services of the sunlit Chuxiong are.
  Thanks to the sun,Chuxiong is defined by solidarity.General Secretary Xi Jinping has twice visited Yunnan Province.He points out that “all ethnic groups are one family where all members should live a prosperous
life”.His warm words are so inspiring to us.Chuxiong is an autonomous prefecture of the Yi people,but it is more a big multi-ethnic family.It is inhabited by 26 interdependent ethnicities, including Yi, Han, Lisu, Miao, Dai, Hui,
Bai, Hani and etc.Tightly united as seeds within a pomegranate,all ethnic groups have reinforced a sense of community for the Chinese nation and jointly built up a spiritual home shared by all.Various ethnic festivals are
celebrated, like Torch Festival, Costume Competition Festival, Flower Arranging Festival and Folk Song Festival.
National demonstration prefecture of ethnic cohesion and progress,Chang’an Cup, the highest national award
for maintenance of law and order,and national pilot area for urban modernized social governance,
among others, are awards that we have won.You may feelhow interconnected the people of the sunlit Chuxiong are.
  Thanks to the sun,Chuxiong keeps working hard.Chuxiong got its name in the Spring and Autumn Period,which means a reputation of being powerful.For more than 2000 years,the hard-working spirit has taken root
here.“Happiness is achieved through hard work”.Since the 18th CPC National Congress held in 2012,we have doubled the economic aggregate 
and secured a decisive victory in poverty alleviation.A moderately prosperous
society in all respects is just around the corner.We have constantly improved industrial structure,accelerated rural revitalization,
and promoted balanced development of cultural tourism and new industries and business
models.You may see how the industrious people in Chuxiong forge ahead in the sun.
  The sun takes care of our people.
  The sun lights up our way forward.

  The sun shines over the land of Chuxiong.Chuxiong is a magnet for investment and a home for peaceful life.
  As a ballad of we Yi people goes,“The stars and the moon stay together, so do the pearls and the agates”.
  Come on. let's join together to embrace the sun and embrace Chuxiong.
  I’m waiting for you in Chuxiong!

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